
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blogger Fail...;)

Wow, blogger fail!!! I have totally neglected this blog! Good thing I don't have any followers...LOL!

So, what's new? Well, I've tried some new fitness options. I tried a kettle bell class on Monday. I liked it, but my back is hating me. I have some lower back issues and it has been exasperated lately anyway. Kettle bell did not help. I think I will put that on least until I get some of the weight off and strengthen my abs. (My back feels much better when I'm thin and fit...surprise, surprise!) So, I have been thinking about changing gyms because mine is pretty spendy. But, I'm now leaning towards sticking around. Here are the facts: 1) I am comfortable there. It's a nice, clean gym and I have gotten into a routine there. 2) I LOVE their Club Dance class! Even yesterday, when my back was hurting and there was a sub teacher and I was feeling meh about it, I pushed through the whole class. I'm not really sure that class could be replaced somewhere else, and its a whole hour of major calorie burning and fun. 3) My gym is literally in walking distance. This helps me get more steps in for the day AND gets my muscles warming up pre-workout. It's convenient and helps me make the decision to go. 4) The steam room. There isn't one at the gym closest to me, but I am thinking of paying to extra $10 to go to any of the gyms. I LOVE to sit in the steam room after a good workout. It is like a reward for hard work, plus it's good for the complexion and helps with detoxing. If I remain with the Courthouse gyms, I will be going to the other gyms often, as they have bigger and better dance classes. Then, I can take advantage of steaming.

Okay, what else....Oh, I am going to try acupuncture. There is a free clinic on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month and I am going to check it out. Maybe it can help with some of the lower back pain. Plus, I've heard that it just makes the body feel amazing while it's being done. I'm excited to find out for myself. YAY!

I've got a project going...last weekend, we bought two dining room chairs from Goodwill. (After reading about nutrition/fitness/healthy living, I decided that I wanted us to start eating at the dining room table. However, it is usually covered in junk and we didn't have chairs that went with it. So, I wanted to give it a face lift and make it a lovely place to enjoy a meal together.) Anyway, we found two wooden chairs that I could spruce up and paint. I am trying to mix some vintage mint green into my red kitchen because I think the colors look darling together, so I decided to paint the chairs mint. I bought some primer as well because I wanted to give them the worn look and have a white layer underneath, plus I thought it would help me avoid a ton of sanding. I painted two coats of primer on the chairs, but there were spots where it almost seemed like the previous stain was bleeding through. Plus, it was peeling off really easily. So, I started sanding them down. The seats are now completely sanded, down to the bare wood, and I am going to try roughing up the rest. I will also sand any spots that were "bleeding". Needless to say, this project has turned into far more work than I anticipated. BUT, I think I am almost ready to start painting again. I sanded in sessions for two days. (A girl's hand can only take so much of the power sander at a time). I am ready for that bang effect that makes me happy I did the project...cause it is getting a little drawn out.

Then there are the things I need to get man is going go nuts if I don't do something with these tomatillos I have sitting on my table. He doesn't even like them and they just keep sitting there and I keep insisting I am going to make salsa verde, yet it hasn't happened....Plus, I have a list of other chores I want done, but don't want to do...hrrmmm. On that note, I should probably get on it!